Ad fontes – Study volume (e-book)

1190 Ft - 2190 Ft

The origin story of the Bible, as well as its historical and religious background, are topics that are still the verbhirthey don't really make the majority of dets and theologians feverish either. Within this, quite a few people deal with the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the Septuagint. Perhaps this is because we feel these topics are distant from us, or we do not see their relevance. However, it is time to realize that they are of great importance. If the Torah is not translated into Greek, the mediating language of the New Testament age, then the Christian mission will probably never be realized. Without the Greek Torah, the synagogues of the Hellenistic age, which attracted multitudes of non-Jews and made them ardent followers of Yahweh, would not have been possible.

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