- Phone number: +361 290 9517
- Central number: +3670 631 5827
- Dormitory number: +3670 631 5825
- Service number: +3670 631 5822
- Email:
- Customer reception: Mon, Wed, Wed, Fri: 8:00-16:20
Basic institutional data
Name of institution: Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola
- Institution abbreviation: PTF
- FIR ID: FI22732
- Headmaster: Paul Gracza
- Deputy Rector: Ungvári Csaba
- Secretary General: Gonda Szilvia
- Head of Secretariat: Gyöngyi Albertné Pataky
- Academic Secretary: Pál Krisztina
- Data Protection Officer: Havasi Ágnes
- Disability Coordinator: Havasi Ágnes
Bank account number: K&H Bank
10401921-00026624-00000002 - IBAN: HU33 1040 1921 0002 6624 0000 0002
Tax number: 18055483-1-43
- 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
- From Kőbánya Kispest metro station, take the 200E/98/98E bus to the Pestszentlőrinc railway station crossing, a 5-minute walk.
- It can also be reached by bus 217E and 36.
- We would like to draw your attention to the fact that parking on Gyömrői út (including the sidewalk in front of the college) is dangerous and therefore prohibited!