I was born in Budapest in 1976 and have spent most of my life in the capital, but currently I live in Szigetszentmiklós with my family. I am a monogamous man with two children: my granddaughter Hanna has grown up and is currently studying to be a history-media teacher, my son Mátyás is a high school student, who is also a goalkeeper in a soccer team. My wife, Márti, is the leader, sheet music player, one of the singers, everything in the excellent gospel band called SKA. All four of us go to Csepel to the MPE Segítség Követ Gülekezete, which is a small, family-like, charismatic-evangelical community.
As for my studies, I originally trained to be a computer scientist and got my engineering degree, but then I suddenly realized that I was more interested in people than machines. So I started to study theology at the Pentecostal College of Theology. I soon realized that theology for me is like when a small child is let in at the main entrance of an enchanted castle: as soon as he enters the door (that is, he starts studying), he doesn't really want to come out. I earned a BA in theology at PTF and two years later an MA in theology, but I already knew during my studies that I wanted to get a doctorate in theology. This finally took place in 2022 at the doctoral school of the Faculty of Religion of the Gáspár Reformed University of Károli, where I wrote my dissertation on the possible homiletical, poimenic and missiological application of James Fowler's theory of faith development - which I managed to defend with a "summa cum laude" rating. In the meantime, I also made it to the United States, which I consider an important event in my theological career, since I was able to participate in a summer training program in the "Mecca of the evangelical movement", i.e. Wheaton College.