|| 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
I was born in 1979, in Budapest, as the eldest child of a family with three children; I have a sister and a brother, with whom we have always loved each other very much. I have been a praying child myself for as long as I can remember. It was a privilege, and it was always very special and important for me to be able to discuss my thoughts and all the things of my life with the Good Lord. This conversation continues today, while driving, while walking, in any life situation. It is a wonderful thing for me that I can speak and cry out to the Lord at any time, in any situation. I am very grateful to God that He has established this conversation between us since my childhood. It appeared practically "imperceptibly" at the beginning and is there, present in my heart.
I can't say that I was raised in faith (but certainly in love). I haven't read the Bible and I have no idea how I had an idea of who Jesus Christ is and I don't know how I was convinced that He is the most special and best Someone to whom I can speak and He can answer. I don't know, but I'm very grateful for that. My parents did not go to the community, although my mother was baptized when I was a child, in the predecessor of the church I attend now (MPE Segítség Köve Gyülekezet, Csepel). It is God's wonderful providence for me that they have lived in our neighborhood for 35 years, and I have known our current church leaders since I was six years old, a married couple, our pastor and his wife, whose youngest daughter I went to elementary school with, she is now my brother and helper; and their older daughter is also my sister in the Lord and the leader of my worship band. The first prayer I remember, Aunt Márti, the wife of our current pastor, prayed for me for the first time, when I was six years old, when we started school. It was a defining experience for me, because through his prayer I felt the intimate relationship he had and has with God, despite the fact that I felt God's love and protection all day that day.
Also, when I was six years old, instead of "accidentally" paying for lunch, I "successfully" enrolled in the cello in elementary school, which I have been playing ever since with great pleasure, now in the church orchestra, in praise. I believe, I know, that I received my musical instrument from the Lord, as a joy, as a help, which supports me throughout my life and draws me into the community. Through music, I have experienced the comfort of the Lord many times and the fact that while making music and singing about the Lord, we can understand and feel things with our hearts that we might not know otherwise. Through music, even a person can feel and understand God's love, who otherwise would not have been able to do so with much difficulty.
I experienced the Lord's deliverance and consolation most strongly in five years of deep pain, self-blame, and grief after the loss and death of my fiancé. I experienced a complete breakdown then, practically like a human wreck I fought for my life and talked to God, because I felt that no one could help me except him. There was a point when I had no other request but to get to know him... There was a point when it became certain for me that God was listening to me, hearing my prayers, and there was a point when he bent down to me and said "everything will be alright". From that point I began to heal and recover. Since then, God has been gradually healing, comforting and building me, and I am getting to know him more and more. I got a praise band and a loving community from him, before I had a job again. Practically during this time, I got to know the Lord from the Word, from the Bible, and I had an independent knowledge of God based on the Word. Since then, there is no more beautiful and important reading for me than the Bible, the word of the living God. That all his words are true is confirmed by the Lord in my heart and in my life. To talk about somewhat mundane things, I graduated as a chemical engineer at the Budapest University of Technology, then I was a researcher and obtained a PhD degree. I do not use. For me, what the Lord has done for me, with me, in my life, is much more important and defining than what I can ever do or achieve. I don't want anything in my life that I did "by my own strength" without God. Without God, I am nobody and nothing, just like everyone else. I am what I am by the grace of God.
My fiance died a few months after I got the title. During the years of mourning, my father supported me, I first worked with him as a real estate appraiser, then independently. I am also grateful for this period, but I am quite exhausted in the worldly pursuit, as my father says, "in the line of fire". In March of this year, I saw the PTF study assistant job advertisement in the church group and submitted my application without thinking. It is a great pleasure for me that the management has chosen me for this task "as I am" and that I can be here. Here at the college, I can serve the Lord, the college students, teachers, workers here, and those who come here. I am endlessly grateful to the Lord for bringing me to exactly the place, the community, which, if I had known it existed, I would have always wanted. I feel that the Lord is using all the skills I have learned so far, nothing is wasted with Him and I am very happy that I can serve Him in a community that I love from the bottom of my heart.
I have experienced and am still experiencing many times that the Lord can give hope and act even in a hopeless situation, and can create life even out of ruins.
For me, the Lord Jesus Christ, with His Father and His Holy Spirit, is "the source of all consolation, the God", in whom even the most lost can hope in all circumstances. "For me, God is the God of the second, third, thousandth, millionth chance." * For whom nothing is impossible.
*quote from Illés Dobner
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