- Hybrid training available
ptf@ptf.hu || 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
Registered auditor with financial institution certification, tax consultant, ACCA DipIFRS
For more than five years, he worked for PricewaterhouseCoopers Könyvvyszáróló as an auditor in the field of manufacturing companies, financial institutions, and commercial companies. After that, he worked as a financial director of international companies with responsibilities in Hungary and Central Europe. As an internal auditor, he assisted the work of financial enterprises. He has relevant experience in the field of controlling, in ensuring compliance in the legal and tax fields at domestic and international level, in the preparation of company due diligence and company evaluations, and in the preparation of reports according to Hungarian and IFRS standards. In the field of taxation, in the preparation of transfer price regulations; gained international and domestic experience in the areas of finance, financing and accounting in construction and urban development projects.
Since 2018, he has been assisting the Finance and Legal Committee of the Reformed Church of Budapest-Pesthidegkút, and since the end of 2020 he has been the project manager of the construction work group responsible for the construction and financing of the new Church and Church Center.
She is married, the proud mother of two sons, the eldest son is a first-year student at the BME Faculty of Architecture, the youngest son is a student at the Baár-Madas Reformed High School.
Address: 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
FIR ID: FI22732
Bank account number: K&H Bank
IBAN: HU33 1040 1921 0002 6624 0000 0002
Tax number: 18055483-1-43
Phone: 06-1-290-9517
Mobile: 06-70-631-5827 (only during administration period)
ADMINISTRATION: weekdays (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 8:00-16:20
ON THURSDAY, in-person and telephone administration will STOP!
Dormitory on-call (16.00:08.00 p.m. to 06:70 a.m.): 631-5822-XNUMX-XNUMX
Email: ptf@ptf.hu