- Hybrid training available
ptf@ptf.hu || 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
I have been working at the Pentecostal University of Theology as a lecturer since 2011, and as acting head of department since the fall of 2016.
I head the Department of Pastoral Psychology at PTF, and in addition to teaching, I also coordinate scientific workshops, creating space and opportunities for the professional inspiration of colleagues. Within the framework of the "Institutional psychologist system", since the beginning, I have also provided spiritual support based on pastoral psychology to the students and staff of the PTF.
Since I was born, I have been able to live in my hometown of Szentendre, where my husband and I raised 3 children in peace and love, who now live with their own families.
As a mother of 3 children, after graduating as a mathematician, I obtained my psychology degree at the ELTE Faculty of Arts in 1991. I owe a lot to my family, especially my husband, for their support in my studies. I further trained myself to be able to deal with people in need both individually and in groups, and I obtained qualifications as a psychotherapist, psychodrama and bibliodrama group leader. I obtained my doctoral (PhD) degree in the applied psychology doctoral program of the University of Debrecen in 2008. In 2010, I obtained a diploma in organization development supervision at the International Business School. All of this helped/helps me to finally end up in pastoral psychology, where I can integrate these knowledge and experiences. Since 2017, I have been editing the Pastoral Psychology section of the Egyházforum magazine.
In my professional career, I have previously received a place at several higher education institutions (IBS, Szolnok College, General Business College, etc.). In these, I mainly taught personality psychology and skill development subjects. I believe that the Lord also helps me to deal with people who suffer in their souls, to turn my experience, knowledge and the ability I received from the Lord, my energies in this direction, whether it is a person or a group. I have been involved in minor and major interruptions for years, I have also dealt with the reintegration of prisoners.
Address: 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
FIR ID: FI22732
Bank account number: K&H Bank
IBAN: HU33 1040 1921 0002 6624 0000 0002
Tax number: 18055483-1-43
Phone: 06-1-290-9517
Mobile: 06-70-631-5827 (only during administration period)
ADMINISTRATION: weekdays (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 8:00-16:20
ON THURSDAY, in-person and telephone administration will STOP!
Dormitory on-call (16.00:08.00 p.m. to 06:70 a.m.): 631-5822-XNUMX-XNUMX
Email: ptf@ptf.hu