- Hybrid training available
ptf@ptf.hu || 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
I was born in Papon, a small village in Szabolcs.
After completing my studies, I worked for the Greek Catholic Church as a religion teacher at St. József Primary School, Gymnasium, Technical College and College in Debrecen, approx. for 8 years.
I have always been interested in the depths and secrets of the universe and human existence in it: for many years I immersed myself in the mysteries of the material world, and first I was passionate about astronomy, then chemistry, then I was attracted by the spiritual and spiritual dimensions, and first I tried to study theology, then pastoral psychology to deepen.
I am interested in borderlands and integration and cooperation, not only in the world of science, but also in the world of religious faith: getting to know the other, the person who thinks differently, mapping the different paths leading to an eternal truth.
I consider it important to acquire lexical knowledge, but even more so to think independently, to be creative, and to discover connections in all areas.
1997 - 1998: Eötvös Loránd University – chemistry major, university bachelor's degree (unfinished).
1998 - 2004: St. Athanasius Greek Catholic College of Religious Studies (affiliated institution of the Pontificio Instituto Orientale in Rome) – university diploma, theologian, with distinction.
2003 - 2004: Republican Scholarship
2004 - 2007: University of Debrecen Institute of Psychology - Debrecen Reformed University of Religious Studies – specialized further education at the university, pastoral psychology counselor, with an excellent qualification.
2007 - 2010: Debrecen Reformed University of Religious Studies, Doctoral school, PhD final, in the discipline of pastoral psychology.
Dissertation title:
The place and importance of contemplative prayer and mystical immersion in the Christian spiritual life and in the practice of spiritual care and therapy today
- Theological, religious psychology and pastoral psychology aspects -
English language, intermediate level, type C state language exam
Italian language: strictness equivalent to the basic level language exam within the institution (oral, written)
2007: Dr. Herman István (psychiatrist, international NLP trainer) Neuro-linguistic Programming course, NLP Practitioner.
AVP Association conflict management training, September 2010 (basic)
2004-2007: Szent Bazil Education Center, Hajdúdorog, kindergarten teacher, prefect
Since 2014, Hajdúdórogi Archdiocese (place of work: Szent József Kindergarten, Primary School, High School and College), Debrecen, religious studies teacher.
From 2016 Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola, Budapest.
From August 2021, the Hungarian Reformed Church Doctors His college Honorary member of the Pastoral Psychology Section.
October 2022 - June 2023: BBTE Reformed Teacher Training and Music Faculty, Cluj.
- Participation in the psychology of religion seminar held for the 2nd year in the master's program of Religious Studies of the Christian University of Partium Dr. theol. Dr. h.c. with guest professor Gábor Hézser. (28 lessons/semester). Partium Christian University master's program, Nagyvárad, 2013-2015.
– Series of lectures at the master's program of the BBTE Reformed Teacher Training Faculty, entitled "New aspects of shaping our subjective reality and achieving our goals - quantum physics, theology, pastoral psychology", Cluj, spring semester 2017.
- Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola, Department of Pastoral Psychology:
Cooperation in the management of professional workshops
– "Healing of Memories" training for church leaders of intercultural groups in Romania (5 credit points, 14 lecture hours, 14 practical hours) Organizer of the training: adopted at the 2004 general assembly of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) within the framework of the Fundaţia Reconciliation in South East Europe (RSEE), Sibiu/Romania) Training location: Nagyvárad, Csillagvárosi Református Yülekezet, October 2010-4, 5.
- Constructive thinking - discovering joy in everyday life - against soul-killing depression, -12 lessons. The organizer of the training: Királyhágómelléki Református Egyházkerulet - in the framework of the continuing education program for religious teachers. Location of training: Nagyvárad, Réti Református Gyülekezeti Központ, December 2010, 8.
– Professional training for teachers of Reformed boarding schools: Education and treatment of children from irregular family backgrounds in boarding schools. – 18 lessons. Organizer of the training: Református Pedagogical Institute (RPI), location: Kecskemét, Református Diákotthon, September 2011-23, 24.
– "Healing of Memories" training for church leaders of intercultural groups in Serbia (5 credit points, 14 teaching hours, 14 practical hours). The organizer of the training: the Conference of European Churches (CEC) / Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen (KEK)] within the framework of the project adopted at the 2004 General Assembly of the Fundaţia Reconciliation in South East Europe (RSEE), Sibiu/Romania) Training location: Zenta (Serbia), December 2011-1, 2.
– Pastoral care, communication and coordination – further training of leaders of Roma groups; Fortbildung in Seelsorge, Kommunikation und Coordination der Arbeit in der Roma-Gruppe / Transcarpathia I. (5 credit points, 14 teaching hours, 14 practical hours). The organizer of the training: "Chance for Life" - Foundation, Ukraine) within the framework of the project adopted at the 2004 general assembly of the Conference of European Churches (CEC) /Konferenz Europäischer Kirchen (KEK), location: Csonkapapi/ Popovo (Ukraine ), "Chance for Life" - Foundation Center, October 2012-28, 29. and February 2013, 16.
- Empathy yes - "empathic" no workshop Dr. theol. Dr. h.c. With Gábor Hézser, PTF, September 2017, 23.
– Personality development training, 9 days, Dr. theol. Dr. h.c. With Gábor Hézser, PTF, 2020.
– Other professional days related to pastoral psychology and family counseling training.
– Organized by the National Association of Doctoral Students Spring Wind Conference, presentation, publication, Budapest, May 2008-23, 25.
Pro patria et Scientia special award.
– Organized by the National Association of Doctoral Students Spring Wind Conference, lecture, publication, Szeged, May 2009-21, 24.
- Pastoral psychology's answers to the challenges of the third millennium - Conference a Hungarian Science Festival on the occasion of "Value-creating science". Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola, November 2019, 15. Lecture: "How to learn pastoral psychology?". Research and its presentation: Motivations, delegations and needs related to the studies of those who come to pastoral psychology training. Forum discussion leader.
- Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola and Babes-Bolyai University Reformed Teacher Training Faculty (Cluj): participation in the organization and preparation of the students, as well as moderating the conference at the I. PASTORAL PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS online CONFERENCE, March 2021, 30.
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Email: ptf@ptf.hu