Pastoral psychology studies I. - The yield and challenges of pastoral psychology today
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The theme "The benefits and challenges of pastoral psychology today" poses a challenge to those who undertake it: both its benefits and challenges could hardly be included in the volumes of several conferences in order to get a comprehensive picture of the topic.
In response to this challenge, the authors of the volume from Germany, Transylvania and Hungary undertook in their approach to place 21st century European pastoral psychology in a historical and scientific context, to outline its benefits, challenges and tasks so far. Thanks to this, we gain insight into what is "The significance of pastoral psychology for theology and the church today", mentioning the approaches to education and research as a separate topic group. In this context, the Reader can gain insight into, among other things, how to come under the umbrella of pastoral psychology:
- multidisciplinarity and personal religious experience;
- motivational psychology, behavior therapy and
change in belief structures;
- intermedial space and ecumenicity;
- restoring the balance of professional self-evaluation;
- also child protection, logotherapy, even
quantum physics.
Defining and redefining the essence, function and significance of pastoral psychology is an implicit part of such an undertaking. Self-reflection and occasional redefinition are indispensable, especially for the self-definition of inter- and even multi-disciplinary, inter-religious sciences, such as pastoral psychology.
Looking forward to the next volume of Pastoral Psychology Studies, we can read about the ecumenical approach to hospital pastoral care based on a multidimensional view of people.