It's good to believe! – student book (physics book)

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According to the authors, the book that the dear interested reader is holding is about important issues. After all, could there be a more important question than who is God, how can we get to know him, what does the Bible teach about him? We believe that if we give the right answers to these questions, much more happens than we can say about ourselves, we have the right knowledge in our heads. To know God and his things, to understand his intentions, to follow his will: a question of life for us. Let's add what the title of our book clearly states, that believing is a good thing. Faith is not about learning religious knowledge, but about building trust between man and God, which fills us with liveliness, courage, and the will to do.

We hope that the dear reader will also find much more in this book than religious knowledge or even the basic teachings of Christianity. Our goal was to briefly and to the point acquaint God seekers with information about our Christian faith that affects essential aspects of our Christian faith.

The volume consists of three major parts. In the first part, we discuss the most important questions concerning the foundations of faith, which, in our opinion, are necessary and important for a Christian to know. In the second part, we highlight a special area, namely the relationship between Christians and the church. According to our understanding, our religious life basically takes place within a church framework, i.e. in community with other Christians. Finally, in the third part, we deal with areas arising from Christians and the world - or society - around them, which can have a direct impact on our religious life.

The individual parts were divided into twelve chapters. At the beginning of each chapter, we can read a short summary of the questions we are looking for in the given section. For the sake of clarity, we present our topics in the individual chapters using the "question-and-answer" method. Of course, the answers to the questions are very concise and short, they do not strive for completeness - however, they can give you ideas for a good conversation, raising topics, and further thinking about the given question. The summary questions at the end of each chapter also help with this, and the stories, illustrations, and narratives that can also be used as appendices can further deepen the understanding of the given module. We also placed QR codes at the end of the chapters: by scanning them and opening them in a browser, you can view the studio discussion on the project's website that belongs to the given chapter.

We sincerely wish everyone to benefit from this publication, the theological content of which corresponds to the creed, views and attitude of the Hungarian Pentecostal Church. We trust that while we learn what is written here together, we will also get closer to the God who has revealed and revealed Himself to us, so that we can live a fuller life by getting to know Him.

Dr. Tibor Sitku, editor


Introductory teaching to the Pentecostal Christian faith. The foundations of Pentecostal catechesis. Student volume.

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Authors, editors

Editor: Dr. Tibor Sitku
Authors: Dr. Ildikó Erdei, Botond Rozgonyi, Dr. Tibor Sitku
Stories, illustration: Emőke Bozóné Csernus
Project Manager: Ungvári Csaba
Publication editing, graphics, cover: UnGi


© Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola 2023
It's good to believe! Student volume
All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
Issued by: a Pünkösdi Teológiai Főiskola


175 * 250 mm