Related to the Hungarian Science Festival, "The benefits and challenges of pastoral psychology ma” and the studies related to the lectures of the conference, as well as Pastoral Psychology Studies II. the online presentation of the volume, which contains a study looking forward to its volume, will take place on July 11 at PTF, starting at 10:00 a.m.

From the content of the study volume:
- Michael Klessmann (translated by Gábor Hézser): The importance of pastoral psychology for the church today
Correports for Michael Klessmann's lecture:
- Dávid Németh: The importance of pastoral psychology for theology and the church today
- Máté Joób: Pastoral psychology in an intermediate space
Specifications for the conference topic regarding education, further training and research:
- Szabolcs Kovács: Some aspects of Protestant pastoral training and service in Transylvania
- Mónika Krasznay: The unity of the universe, the construction of reality and the illusion of objectivity?
- Farkas Júlia: Pastoral psychology challenges in child protection - Relationships between bullying and vulnerability with a logotherapeutic approach
- Pál- Orsolya Jakab - Farkas Júlia: The ecumenical view of hospital pastoral care and its multidimensional view of people
Excerpt from Michael Klessmann's lecture:
"To many people in Europe, Christian churches (and their theologies) seem alienated from life and remote from experience; people fail to make a connection between their everyday experiences and the dogmatic statements disseminated in the Christian context, such as those summarized in the Apostles' Creed or formulated in many sermons. Accordingly, the Christian tradition, the Christian faith, becomes irrelevant for them, it becomes an incomprehensible religious explanation of the world that they do not (or no longer) need to manage their daily lives and the transitions of their lives (their temporary crises - Hézser).
To discuss today's topic, it is essential to keep this background in mind: the understanding and operation of pastoral psychology must be compared to the concrete situation of Christian theology and churches."
When studying the volume, the Reader not only gets a comprehensive picture of the achievements and challenges of European pastoral psychology, but also gets an incentive to think further and to do further research into pastoral psychology. Above all, the volume contributes to the reflection of church practice, personal faith life, and last but not least, to thinking about renewing the teaching of pastoral psychology.
It can be purchased in the PTF webshop in paper book or e-book format