- Hybrid training available
ptf@ptf.hu || 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
From the beginning of the 1990s, I worked for multinational pharmaceutical and laboratory diagnostic companies, at first, as a medical visitor, then as a product manager, regional product director, commercial, business department- and marketing manager. I am a believer in effective teamwork, which can be brought to success with the support of an understanding manager. To this end, I participated in many courses, such as the Scrum Master recognized by the ScrumAlliance (agilis coach) I'm.
I completed the Christian Practice of Leadership and the Christian Coaching and Leadership courses at at the Pentecostal College of Theology. Successfully lI fed the ICF Level 2 levels coach exam.
I am committed to sharing all the practical experience I have gained over the years with others, that is why I became a trainer, and that is why I gladly accepted the honor of that I can be a part of TFP teaching community.
Although I was always interested in spirituality, and in retrospect I can recall the path that led to faith, but all this did not happen until 2008. It was then that I became involved in the life of the Reformed Church in Budaörs, where I took part in the Cross-Questions course (in which I took an active role later, as a presbyter in the Zsámbék Congregation). I was confirmed in Budaörs according to the rules of the Hungarian Reformed Church. Not long after, we moved to Zsámbék, where I became a member of the Reformed Church of Zsámbék, and from 2012 to 2018 I was a member of the presbytery, so I was part of the secular leadership of a church. I am currently a member of the Reformed Church in Zsámbék, without any elected function.
Work experience
Address: 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
FIR ID: FI22732
Bank account number: K&H Bank
IBAN: HU33 1040 1921 0002 6624 0000 0002
Tax number: 18055483-1-43
Phone: 06-1-290-9517
Mobile: 06-70-631-5827 (only during administration period)
ADMINISTRATION: weekdays (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 8:00-16:20
ON THURSDAY, in-person and telephone administration will STOP!
Dormitory on-call (16.00:08.00 p.m. to 06:70 a.m.): 631-5822-XNUMX-XNUMX
Email: ptf@ptf.hu