- Hybrid training available
ptf@ptf.hu || 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
I am an economist by profession, although in the last 10+ years this has defined my everyday life less. I always have, but with the passage of time, quality human relationships, meaningful spending and living of time have become more and more important to me; the balance of the foursome of family – friends – wider environment – and myself. I think I live my life at a high temperature, I am interested in many things. I like to explore the world around me, try, experience new things and share them with others. In my spare time, I like to do sports, hike in the Alps and am a member of an amateur theater group.
Regarding my professional experience, I have been working as a business coach since 2009. Before that, I spent almost 20 years in a multinational environment as a marketing specialist and manager. Since 2016, I have been teaching business ethics at the Corvinus University of Budapest, my research area is ethical decision-making. It is extremely important to me that coaching becomes more widely available at home and that the coaches working here practice the profession at the highest possible level. That's why I try to do a lot. I am a member of both international professional organizations (ICF and EMCC). In 2016-2017 I was the president of the Hungarian Section of the ICF, since 2020 I have been working more closely with the Hungarian Section of the EMCC. In recent years, I have participated in several domestic and international conferences as a speaker and led various workshops in the field of ethics.
2020 Doctoral School of ÁJK Pécs (Responsible corporate governance and ethical managerial decision-making)
2019 Gestalt basics in coaching (24 hours), Advanced Gestalt training
2017 Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching
2016 Action-oriented team coaching
2016 Action learning
2012 Transaction analysis postgraduate training Pázmány Péter University
2012 Training Samling Solution
2010 Business Coach Academy coach training (176 hours)
1991 Economist and English translator, Janus Pannonius University, Pécs
Lectures and publications related to coaching:
2020 Ethical decision-making in professional coaching webinar (CoachCollab, ICF Converge, ICF Israel, ICF New Mexico, EMCC, PTF, etc.)
2017 Coaching ethics webinar (ICF Italy)
2015 Facilitator: The "Hero's Path" workshop - Hungarian Transaction Analyst Association
2014 Workshop: Hungarian Psychological Society (MPT) open day "Our emotions then and there and here and now"
2014 "I wonder whose emotion it is" - Hungarian Coach Review 2014 (Zsuzsanna Csányi, Judit Chrenóczy-Nagy)
2014 Workshop: ICF Coach Club "Emotional Traps"
2013 Speaker - Hungarian Psychological Society annual conference
2013 Co-author - Book Responsibility and Success (Háttér Kiadó Budapest) "Ambition, quick success and what lies behind it" - case study
Address: 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
FIR ID: FI22732
Bank account number: K&H Bank
IBAN: HU33 1040 1921 0002 6624 0000 0002
Tax number: 18055483-1-43
Phone: 06-1-290-9517
Mobile: 06-70-631-5827 (only during administration period)
ADMINISTRATION: weekdays (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 8:00-16:20
ON THURSDAY, in-person and telephone administration will STOP!
Dormitory on-call (16.00:08.00 p.m. to 06:70 a.m.): 631-5822-XNUMX-XNUMX
Email: ptf@ptf.hu