|| 06-70-631-5827 || H-1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
The focus of this year's PTF Coaching Conference is neurodiversity. Our aim is to show how coaches and other support professionals can effectively support their neurodivergent clients, such as those with autism or aphantasia. At the conference, we will look into the world of neurodiversity in the framework of two lectures and three workshops: participants will learn about the specifics of neurodivergent thinking and will receive concrete practical tools to have effective, supportive and accepting conversations with clients who think differently from them.
Between 2016-2018 and 2020-2022, he was the Accreditation Director of the Hungarian Section of the ICF. Mentor coach and coaching supervisor for 10+ years. Its important mission is to accompany coach colleagues on the path to becoming PCC and MCC. Since 2017, it has been examining PCC applicants in Hungarian, English and Bulgarian. He is a committed believer of quality and ethical professional work, and his passion is continuous development. A safe atmosphere and gentle, yet honest and in-depth feedback are her trademarks.
Title of his lecture: "...we all love badly who have been badly loved..." (József Sárándi)
The presentation will consist of three parts. First, we direct our attention to how, as coaches, we can "love well", i.e. be present as much as possible in tune with the client, paying attention to his needs, and how we can notice if this goes astray. Because often it is not the client that needs to be "fitted", but rather the relationship and ourselves must be adapted to the client. In the second part, the participants are given possible tools for this. Finally, we invite everyone to practice and self-reflect.
He graduated as a veterinarian, then worked as a dog physiotherapist for many years, and also taught the method. His career change a few years ago was largely motivated by his own autism. He completed the PTF Christian coaching and leadership training, and since then he has been working primarily with neurodivergent clients. She is dedicated to building communication bridges between neurotypical and neurodivergent people and believes that a state of neuroharmony is attainable.
The title of your lecture: The autistic language hypothesis and its importance in helping relationships
According to Rachel Cullen's autistic pragmatic language hypothesis, autistic and allistic people actually speak two different languages, while outwardly appearing to use the same language. During the presentation, we will review the implications of the latest linguistic research for coaching conversations and how we can implement the latest research results in our everyday coaching practice.
Workshop title: How to build communication bridges?
Through specific case examples, we will discover which communication strategies can best help understanding between autistic and neurotypical people, not only during the coaching conversation.
In 2022, he graduated with an excellent qualification from PTF's Christian-based coaching and leadership course. His thesis, which was entitled "The mechanism of the change of direction of thought in coaching: the relationship between neuroscience and coaching", won the "Best Thesis" award. Believer, wife, mother. His active journey of self-knowledge and encounter with science has been going on for five years. He has been mapping for four years, has eight full notebooks, and drawings of numerous storytellers. The number of his current, hand-made maps: 320. He also created and protected the research and editing work of his thesis. He started his mapping activity as a self-taught method, and then - compared to the traditional mind map - he customized it more and more year by year with the scientific and empirical knowledge he researched and collected, and developed it into his own method. His knowledge - in addition to his own experience - comes from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, neuroplasticity, neuroscience coaching, visual-image thinking, neurodiversity, trauma processing, abuse and narcissism.
Workshop title: The Power of an Idea Built in Images - Based on the true story of Dr. Temple Grandin
In the workshop, I will present the exciting process of how a thought and image is born in the brain and how it becomes reality. The played movie clips provide practical and visual inspiration for this: or how those who "populate the image in their head" do it and it brings them success. In the meantime, we reflect together and discover why it is useful for us, coaches, to know about them, and how we can be partners in the client's unique, own thought- and/or in his imaging work during the session. All this through the research results of neuroscience, simply.
He has been living in Ireland for 17 years, and as a psychotherapist he supports people with physical disabilities and other disabilities. He grew up in a large family with seven children, he is the oldest of his siblings. He had known for a long time that thinking in pictures and imagination tasks did not work for him, and he also struggled a lot with reading fiction, but it was only three years ago that he discovered that this phenomenon has a name. As a fantasist, he can report first-hand on the interventions that can be used to support clients with conditions similar to him most effectively.
Workshop title: Afantasia - not a lack of fantasy!
The functioning of the aphantasia brain is often compared to a computer where the monitor is not turned on. The computer works perfectly, but instead of visual representation, thinking takes place in some other form. In the workshop, we examine this different way of functioning and together we search for the best interventions with which we can provide real support to our aphantasia clients as a coach or any other helper.
Address: 1183 Budapest, Gyömrői út 89.
FIR ID: FI22732
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Phone: 06-1-290-9517
Mobile: 06-70-631-5827 (only during administration period)
ADMINISTRATION: weekdays (Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri) 8:00-16:20
ON THURSDAY, in-person and telephone administration will STOP!
Dormitory on-call (16.00:08.00 p.m. to 06:70 a.m.): 631-5822-XNUMX-XNUMX